You searched the internet and after elaborate research, you decided to hire a copywriting service for your copy needs. You’ve discussed the requirements, placed the order, only to receive a lengthy copywriting brief.


You were so happy you could unload your worries to a professional copywriter. Finally, you could focus on growing your business.

Not so fast!

A detailed copywriting brief is your key to unlock a stunning piece of copy from your copywriting service.

So what is a copywriting brief? Who writes it? Why should you care?

Read on for answers to all of these questions.

So what is a copywriting brief really?

If there’s one piece of document every copywriter reveres, it’s a creative copywriting brief.

Simply put, copywriting brief gives us all the information we need to understand your business, your goals and your requirements to write stellar copy for your website, blog or Instagram.

It includes the essential information we need to complete the job. Essentially, all the building blocks of your copywriting project should be in your copywriting brief.

Why does a copywriting brief matter?

A copywriting brief is a reference manual of sorts for your project. It contains all the information your copywriter needs to craft mind-blowing copy for you. It tells us who the target audience is, what type of action you want the reader to take at the end of the copy, what keywords the copy is to be optimised for, and so on.

The creative brief is a document that’s agreed upon between the copywriter and the client. As your copywriters, we will review this document at every step of the project and ask questions or make suggestions for changes.

This is important because it ensures that everyone is on the same page. It ensures we understand your requirement and we stick by it.

When you want your content writing job to succeed, we will require all the relevant details from you right at the start.

Sure, we could simply put our copywriting wizardry to use and create a copy without any brief. However, it won’t be extremely effective.

We want to ensure your copy propels your readers into action. To be able to do that, we need to understand what your target audience is like, we need to get to know your business, and we must get the tone right.

There are several benefits of investing your time filling out a copywriting brief:

  • You will save a ton of time explaining yourself.
  • Your copywriter will understand your business completely and would be able to communicate your message to your audience.
  • Your piece will be written for your target audience.
  • Your content is optimised for conversions.
  • Your copy will be optimised for your target keywords.
  • You receive a piece that’s ready to publish without any need for edits or rewrites.
  • You receive the finished copy sooner.

What does a copywriting brief include?

  • Information about your business: business name, website URL, products/services.
  • Objectives: what is the purpose of this piece?
  • Your company values: A broad topic but very important piece of information that ensures we get it right.
  • Your brand personality: This helps us understand the tone and style to use for your copy. You could describe using three to five words or even describe it in detail.
  • Problems you solve: What are some of the pain points your customers face? How does your product/service solve these problems?
  • Competition: This helps us to understand what your competitors are up to so we can position your brand differently.
  • Demographics: Who are your target audience, what do they do, what interests them, what tone of voice should we use to engage them? The detailed the information, the better.
  • Keywords: If you want us to incorporate a target keyword in the copy, be sure to let us know which keywords you want to optimise for.
  • Your USP: What sets you apart from the competition? We will leverage this information to create a winning copy.
  • Call to action: what action do you want your readers to take at the end of the copy?


When you want to get the most out of your copywriting project, be sure to write a detailed and insightful brief for your copywriters. Put in as much effort into creating your brief as you expect from your copywriters and expect to receive a winning copy.

Quick Copywriting is a team of qualified copywriters who take great pride in producing quality content for our clients. Contact us today to discuss your content writing requirements.

Content marketing and copywriting service is an important stream of revenue for agencies. According to the Content Marketing Institute 2019 Agency Survey, more than 50% agencies report that half their revenue is in content marketing services.

But then, agencies face several challenges. Perhaps your agency faces them too. Here are some of the common challenges:

1. Making clients understand what content marketing is all about.

2. Getting the client to put customers, no their product/service, first.

3. Selling the benefits of ongoing, SEO-optimized content vis-a-vis campaign-based content.

If you are looking for some solid proof to convince clients to invest in content marketing, we’ve got you covered. Here are 5 stats that will do the talking for you.

Stat # 1: Content marketing delivers 3 times the results.

Paid search is generally sold as the most cost-effective way to generate business. However, a study by Kapost shows that content marketing offers lower up-front costs and more meaningful long-term benefits compared to paid search.

Stat # 2: Content marketing offers 3 times as many leads as outbound marketing while lowering costs by 62%.

You heard that right. Content marketing is cheaper and way better at generating leads than outbound marketing.

Stat # 3: Small businesses who blog consistently see 126% more lead growth compared to those who do not blog.

A stunning 77% of online users read blogs. Add to that the fact that small businesses with blogs see higher lead growth. Now that’s a point you can’t ignore.

Stat # 4: Content creation is the most effective SEO technique.

Regularly adding content to your blog can result in 434% more search engine-indexed pages as compared to business websites that do not publish any content.

Stat # 5: 61% of online consumers make a purchase after reading recommendations on a blog.

Content marketing helps build trust the way no other medium can. Building trust and credibility over time means consumers become loyal followers and listen to a brand’s voice. 

Bottomline: Quality, consistent content marketing works!

Content marketing is the king of marketing! It’s compelling, efficient and persuasive in its own way. It can be cost-effective too, especially when you have the right content writing partner.

Feel free to share these statistics with your clients. Hope this helps with your efforts convincing them to invest in content marketing consistently.

At Quick Copywriting, we have been working with agencies for the past 10 years providing stellar content, consistently. Whether your client is a small business or a large enterprise, a retail store or offers a niche product, a plumber or a lawyer, we can provide stellar content at super-affordable prices.

Contact us today to discuss your content requirements.